Yea, not sure what was going on there on the rear brakes. The brake worked okay - not perfect - when I bought the car, but has slowly gotten worse, probably as the wires have moved around from the driver's side not being connected.
No boards permanently installed yet on the rear rebuild; been working on fabricating them and getting a few frame pieces built. Got a squeak to locate tomorrow, probably the foam board rubbing against the kill switch that got moved a bit when test fitting plywood behind it. Waiting on the parking lever to arrive to fix the e-brake. Also had to order a part for the S2000 e-brake install - I'll update on that when it's installed. Both parts should get here Monday.
Passenger side test fit:
Driver's side test fit:
Hole cut for Meanwell area exhaust fan:
Nothing's attached yet, just building the pieces and test fitting. And waiting on stuff to arrive.