Originally Posted by slowmover
Empty, with driver, is like claiming the downhill MPG. Meaningless.
Not really. Any downhill must be made up with an uphill on the return trip. Empty, with driver, can happen all day long on many trips, or for most of a person's driving with the vehicle. Meaningful.
All this extra weight stuff and whatnot is nonsense for the average driver. If I only need to tow 1000lbs, using an Insight will be far more efficient than an 18-wheeler, regardless of "miles per gallon per ton". If I needed to haul 100,000 pounds, the story might be different then.
Maximizing savings is not all about pure efficiency. That's why low RPM is better for fuel economy than best BSFC, which often is at higher RPMs on most cars. If, as in my previous example, one only needed to tow 1000 pounds, the most cost effective option would be the vehicle that could transport that 1000lbs at the lowest operational cost, not a vehicle that has the best "miles per gallon per ton".
Yes, you may say that you never specifically mentioned "miles per gallon per ton", but if that isn't what your point is in your post (and in most of your others), then I'm not sure what your point is.