Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Been hearing that since the 1970s.
Western Antarctica is a set of islands, with Ice Sheets resting on the islands. Parts of the 3 mile thick ice has driven island bedrock to 8000 feet below sea level, with Ice Sheets resting on the submerged rock. Warm ocean currents from the north have already carved inverse ice canyons in some Antarctic regions to as deep as 600 feet to 1000 feet. As some Ice Sheets lighten, & lift off the bedrock, even more warm water will be able to (& has already?) melt(melted?) Ice Sheets even further inland. As others have stated already, Antarctic glaciers are already becoming unstable.
It does NOT matter what you don't believe about the last 50-100 years. Antarctic Ice Sheets are beginning to lose contact with submerged bedrock. & because much of the western Antarctic are islands, the Ice Sheets have more contact already with warming oceans.