A few numbers from a shorter highway trip today (25.7 miles each way).
I was running too short on time to 55-mph-highway-hypermile my way to an interview this afternoon. Temps were in the 80s and it was sunny out. No wind.
- Cold engine, >90% load acceleration, 3K RPM upshifts, 5th gear cruising, target speed 55 MPH for 5.4 miles to the highway: 71.1 MPG indicated
- Engine now warm, highway cruising, target speed 70 MPH (65-74 MPH, DWL) for 19.9 miles: 85.3 MPG indicated at the exit ramp. 3.5K RPM upshifts, 5th gear cruising.
- 5.4 miles / 71.1 MPG = 0.0760 gallons
- ( 5.4 miles + 19.9 miles ) / 85.3 MPG = 0.2966 gallons.
- 0.2966 - 0.0760 = 0.2206 gallons
- 19.9 miles / 0.2206 gallons = 90.21 MPG
This correlates to what I was seeing on the gauge - 85 MPG at 66-73 MPH, and 90-100 MPG at 66-73 MPH drafting behind trucks, 3-5 car lengths away. The car would kick out of lean burn at 73 MPH. 72 MPH was the max speed I could go where lean burn would immediately re-engage after a NOX purge. Going 73+ MPH would bring the MPG down to around 70-ish, although I never spent enough time there to verify; it could be closer to 65 or 75 MPG. From 72 to 73 MPH = 15 MPG loss due to no lean burn.
- Warm engine, 0.4 miles downtown to my destination, just before the rush so little traffic and things were times right. Trip finished at 84.8 MPG over 25.8 miles.
- ( 5.4 miles + 19.9 miles ) / 85.3 MPG = 0.2966 gallons.
- ( 5.4 miles + 19.9 miles + 0.4 miles ) / 84.8 MPG = 0.3031 gallons.
- 0.3042 - 0.2978 = 0.0065 gallons
- 0.4 miles / 0.0065 gallons = 61.54 MPG.
On my way home I had time to hypermile the same route. Unfortunately traffic was heavy until I got onto the highway, where overall slower speeds allowed me to drive slower despite the traffic and get better economy without being an a****** driver.
- Mostly cold engine, 0.4 miles from parking garage to highway, 44.1 MPG indicated.
^^ this is where a hybrid battery would help. This was pretty much just 1st gear to 6-8 MPH, then EOC for 20 feet until stopped again, rinse and repeat.
- Engine warm, highway cruising, target speed 55 MPH (50-59 MPH, DWL) for 19.9 miles, no drafting behind semis: 99.8 MPG indicated at the exit ramp. <2.5K RPM upshifts, 5th gear cruising.
- 0.4 miles / 44.1 MPG = 0.0091 gallons
- ( 0.4 miles + 19.9 miles ) / 99.8 MPG = 0.2034 gallons
- 0.2034 - 0.0091 = 0.1943 gallons
- 19.9 / 0.1943 gallons = 102.42 MPG
This correlates to what I was seeing - 100-115 MPG cruising at 50-59 MPH on level ground, 120-135 MPG on slight downgrades, with 90-95 MPG up slight inclines. No major hills.
- Warm engine, 5.4 miles back home, one of my memorized roads for hypermiling, target speed 35 MPH (31-37 MPH), 5.4 miles from the highway back home. Final display on the FCD: 104.3 MPG. <2K RPM upshifts, 5th gear cruising.
- ( 0.4 miles + 19.9 miles ) / 99.8 MPG = 0.2034 gallons
- ( 0.4 miles + 19.9 miles + 5.4 miles ) / 104.3 MPG = 0.2464 gallons
- 0.2464 - 0.2034 = 0.0430 gallons
- 5.4 miles / 0.0430 gallons = 125.58 MPG.
Those last 5.4 miles are pretty much what most of my non-delivery driving is on my drive to work and back, although the MPG is usually a little lower (100-120) due to starting off on a cold engine.
Warm engine - coolant temp between 202 and 207 F, and intake temp between 98 and 119 F.
Ambient temperature outside was in the 80s, no wind, pretty darn good day for fuel economy. I'm sure adverse weather would knock these numbers down, especially the numbers for my first run at higher speeds.
Looking forward to seeing how the Insight performs on my trip down to Virginia for college in a couple weeks, especially with the mountains on the last half (I-64, anyone?

Over half the carpet is done in the rear of the car; I have a bunch of pictures but
yawns it's late enough as it is and I have a busy day tomorrow, er, today. I'll post an update soon, possible Sunday evening. Maybe the carpet will be done by then.