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Old 08-03-2019, 02:04 AM   #198 (permalink)
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No Ghostbusters sequel or remake has ever or probably will ever manage to match the charm of the original. Not even Ghostbusters 2, which still had ALL of the original cast, yet was a miserable half-hearted mess.

It could be done well, probably. But people are too obsessed with recreating the feel of the first. GB2 felt superfluous and by-the-numbers (I enjoyed it, but it was really bad. Worse, in some respects, than the 2016 one) The 2016 remake failed not because it was all-female. It failed because the script was asbolute crap. The story was such a mess that they very obviously reshot the back half of the film, then cheekily shoehorned the cut scene back into the credits.

You sit there watching that hilarious dance number, wondering "why wasn't that in the movie?", then you realize the director had messed up the flow of the story so badly he had to cut the best scene he'd filmed out.

The only sequel that more than halfway worked was Evolution. And that wasn't even a Ghostbusters movie. Yet it felt closer in tone than any of the actual GB sequels.

I have no faith that the next GB will be good, not unless it brings something fundamentally new to the formula. And if it does, it'll piss the fans off (just watch Star Wars... all the carried over story beats pissed off half the fans. All the new characters and themes pissed off the other half).

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
The movie was miles ahead of Captain Marvel. I don't even remember anything about that movie even though it was just a couple months ago. Girl fell to Earth and there was some fighting. That, and the predictable confrontation setup in the opening scenes of the movie.
Captain Marvel was just Marvel Studios going through the motions. It was watchable... barely... but not really a stand-out. Just looking to hit the correct buttons to please the "Go Grrrrl" target demographic without really doing much more. Not as bad as the trolls make it out to be. I mean, my girls loved it... and I guess that was the point.

Alita had good points and bad points. Some of the story beats felt really, really rushed, and there is some pandering to the (male) target demographic there, too. When Honest Trailers called her "A Sexy Killer Dumpster Baby... who's totally legal"... I spit up laughing.

But hey, that's anime. Can't be anime inspired without following the tropes.

Probably best live-action adaptation of an anime so far... but there are actual anime that are still better.

It sucks that the internet idiots have turned this into an actual culture war where you can like one and not the other. Just watch what you enjoy and leave the rest alone.
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