I need to research about Brazil's reaction to the gay Jesus of Jesus Christ Superstar. Maybe since it was a very clear fun mockinbg (or blasphemy) or herigic, instead of a alteration of the golpel, maybe it was less censored.
The Last Temptaion of Christ it's way more strong to make christians listen and contest their religion than Jesus Christ Superstar, since the second will just revolt christians instead of make they think.
I liked The Last Temptation of Christ,and just just because it annoye christians. Indeed the movie makes more sense, even in a religious point of view, than the actual image and tales about Jesus, since the movie shows a normal man with a task, and not a pure "perfect" man holy in everyways. It's like Jesus is fighting to earn the holy mission that was gave to hin.
My Web Archeologic Research found that Christ was Harrison Ford by the modern concept of Christ image :
Originally Posted by freebeard
I associate short hair to lice infestations in the trenches in WWI.
How was Brazil with Jesus Christ Superstar?