Originally Posted by Xist
Are we talking about an F150? If you have all of the numbers, you can use this to calculate how many horsepower your car needs: https://ecomodder.com/forum/tool-aer...resistance.php
I could not find all of the numbers for an F-150, so I am just quoting this:
I do not know for what weight vehicle the 12 HP figure would be accurate, but let's take my 1,075 kg and 115-pound HX, remove the back seat, drop in a 540 kg Tesla battery, and now I have a 1,615 kg 225 HP 2-seater that needs a suspension upgrade.
Now I need 18 HP at 60 MPH and... what is the point of a car like this? To need to fill up and charge, which I really do not think you would want to do at the same time?
Does this system need to be charged? If so, that takes away most of the value I placed on Orbis. I thought it would be like a regular hybrid. I haven't come across anything that said it needs to be charged.
I actually have a Silverado in mind, which is pretty similar in terms of weight and cd. It would be used for towing occasionally as well as being a daily. Having the orbis wheels would be great on this--as long as charging is not a requirement.
In my experience, increasing horsepower will increase mpg as long as you don't drive the vehicle aggressively in most applications.