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Old 08-12-2019, 12:42 PM   #102 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Adventure Seeker - '04 Chevy Astro - Campervan
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
Show Low is three hours from the nearest dealership.

I would not call that local.

That is why I mentioned ordering parts in #49 and then ordered more parts in #87.
So the Honda dealer isn't local. Why didn't you just order the correct bolt the start off with instead of checking ACE, NAPA, O'Reilly, and Lowes?

In this thread you have
1. Missed an exam (Post 37)
2. Missed an appointment with a client (Post 57)
3. Forgot about your afternoon clients (Post 66)

In every case you say it was because you were working on this Civic. You aren't saving money if you are missing work because you are researching how to fix your Civic or trying to save a couple bucks on a bolt.

You also repeatedly say you want more hours from your agency. You also say you forget to go to work or miss appointments. Those two things don't go together.

Originally Posted by Xist View Post
Why would I sell a vehicle?
Why? Because in this thread and others you make it seem that you are in a poor financial situation, living with your mom, have miss student loan payments, and chronically work less hours than you would like. It seems like money is in short supply so keeping an extra car around as a hobby doesn't seem like the best use of financial resources.

You do have a Civic and an Accord right? Personally, I would sell one and set that money aside in an emergency fund so if something comes up you have a little bit of cash to get by. A running Honda should be worth at least $1000 and you will save the money you are spending today to insure and register the car.

This may sound harsh but I tend to be direct. As I said in another thread you are only stuck if you continue to choose to be stuck. In this thread you said life would be easier if you made better decisions. Start making them.
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