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Old 08-12-2019, 01:21 PM   #104 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
I would have an easier time if I just made fewer mistakes.

I was not able to start this month's schoolwork earlier because I kept taking care of work e-mails after finishing my progress reports. I read six chapters yesterday, watched two hours of lecture, and took my quiz yesterday before seeing my afternoon clients, but I read the textbook, watched the lectures, and missed the quiz today because I did not realize daylight savings already started.

My professor expressed her sympathy, which is worth more than 95 points if you are insane.

Maybe I should have waited another week to work on my head gasket.
Sounds to me you knew exactly what the problem was. No comment on the two times you said you missed work?

Listen, I get it. You are probably thinking “who is this guy on his high horse?” I’m a guy that made some really stupid financial mistakes early in my adult life. At the time I thought everything was fine. Then my company started laying people off and I had a mortgage to pay, a wife in college, 3 times my annual salary in debt, and no savings. I calculated if I was laid off I could make my payments for 8 days. That is what it took for me to realize there was a problem.

Some older friends gave me some direct and to the point advice. It hurt but they were right. My wife and I set a goal to fix our finances, made a plan, and worked that plan. It took 7 years living on a greatly reduced budget, working extra, and putting everything we could to pay off those debts but we reached that goal. Then we set some goals about saving and now we are working that plan.

It helps to learn from people that’ll have been down the road already.

EDIT. And yes, I am trying to help
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