I have completed two Bachelor's and have retaken some classes. I always try to shop around for my books. That sure has gotten easier since 1997! The one problem was a year ago when I ordered a textbook and got the wrong edition, but I got it cheaply.
Here it is at the school bookstore:
If you look at the URL, this is run by Barnes and Noble. $180.80 is one of the more expensive textbooks that I have bought and that is the used price!
They charge more than the Barnes and Noble website!
Fifty to sixty dollars cheaper, plus you are supposed to receive a $10 rebate weeks later. Someone is asking $110.61 in the marketplace for a new copy, shipped, which is about B&N's used price.
Amazon has it for $25.22 for rent, $93.88 new, and $79 used. Their etextbook is $112.
Google Play has it for $32.49 to rent and $112 for the ebook.
The thing is, you put the book information into Google, and this is at the very top, above Amazon and other stores:
There are six places selling PDFs for $19 - 20! Did someone scan the textbook and distribute PDFs? Is this otherwise stolen? Are these scam sites that will steal my credit card?
I do not know about the rest, but PDF4colleges has a 50% off coupon NEW START.
Right. $10 textbook, but I cannot find any real information on the site, good or bad.
Academia.edu says that I can download the textbook for free if I sign up with Slashstar.net, which pinky-swears to not use my credit card without permission.
Shut up and pay $200 for the real thing? You shut up!