I stopped at Dollar Tree for a prepaid Visa. Problems:
1. While the card is only $1, they charge $8 the first time you use it.
2. There is a $4.50 or $5 monthly charge.
3. They require you to pay cash.
4. It probably does not work for this purpose.
A quick search indicated that the Walmart Cash Card was the best prepaid option. Problems:
1. $1 up front and $5 the first time you use it.
2. $3 monthly fee
3. It does not work for this purpose, but at least I could buy it with my debit card.
4. It sells your information.
OneVanilla may be the best option, it is supposed to allow you to be anonymous, but I did not see it at Walmart.
I created a new e-mail account just to see how much spam I receive, but I could not purchase the book with it, so I used an account where I do not carry a balance, so any problems would undoubtedly come from this.
$9.95 later, I downloaded the PDF, which Avast says is virus free, it looks perfect, it has (as far as I can tell) the full text, bookmarks, it is searchable, and I can copy and paste.
I am unsure how much textbook companies are to blame for high prices. They produce a usable product, but it seems ENMU's bookstore charges $50 - 60 for Barnes and Noble to use their name (but their own servers, etc.), while they have a huge profit margin on used books.
That cost you $200? Congratulations! We will give you a $10 credit, only usable here! You graduated and no longer need textbooks? Congratulations! Next!