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Old 08-15-2019, 12:51 AM   #7 (permalink)
All Darc
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A woman I kow had about 2,5 to 2,7 times the minimum wage as salary, despite the husband lost the job. Her kids was grow-up no longer living with her. She was a nice person, good behavior, calm, humble in talking.
But she had not a own home, and had to pay rent, despite had work for long time. She said that couldn't save money to buy a home or ground to built a home. Anyway we found out why she couldn't, despite had not a so terrible income. She used to buy expensible eletronic devices, smartphones more expensible than the ones used by many people who hired her, and used to got to restaurants with her husband and post photos on Instagram about the dinner.

I imagine they didn't saved money even when her husband still had the job, despite he earned less than she.
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