Not quite 100 MPG on the highway, but got 97.0 MPG for a 134.9 mile highway trip with about 500 foot increase in elevation, target speed 55-60 MPH, ambient temperature around 70*F. Return trip was 128 miles with about 500 foot decrease in elevation, target speed 50-55 MPH, 98.4 MPG, ambient temperature 60*F.
Gearing up to leave tomorrow to return to Virginia. Hoping for 90 MPG for the trip (previous best is 85.7 MPG) with warmer weather, but the Insight will be loaded down more and the WV and VA mountains are always killer..
2013 Toyota Prius C 2 (my car)
2015 Mazda 3 iTouring Hatchback w/ Tech Package (wife's car)