Here is some complete data from an intentional community owned solar array in Ithaca, NY 14850. This 50 kW array is privately owned and gets the best care and cleaning and shows us the actual opportunities and constraints of solar PV in snowy locations.
The performance in Canada or Russia and Eastern European regions will be worse.

Here we see the all time electrical production of the 50kW community owned solar PV system at Ecovillage Ithaca, NY 14850. These panels are privately owned by an intentional co-op and receive the best care and cleaning. Taking the five good years value of 60,000 kWh, shows us that it is normal to expect a capacity factor of 13.7% at best for solar in upstate NY.

Electric heat and solar pv in Winter do not fit


There are many days near zero output in the Winter and the average for the month is only 5.5% of nameplate capacity.

15 days out of 18 with literally NO power. Again, there are many days near zero output in the Winter.





The best month ever produced 22.2% of the nameplate capacity.