great to hear dude ! i haven't noticed so much on the MPG effects, (just a sedan with normal driving and long highway commutes)
but thanks for posting ! i have been using tc-w3 for almost 7 years now on the same car, it drives great and I am at 255k miles.
cars before ethanol was introduced could no way be designed for it, i feel this additive helps combat the bad side effects of ethanol.
look at it this way ! if ethanol wasn't that bad why don't they add more in our fuel ! its all about money, and that was the reasoning behind adding it to our fuels, think of it as watered down fuel. luckyily after 10% cars fought back and started failing. its just that 10% is just just just a tiny bit enough to not do too much harm and still save money or help them make more money depending whos buying/selling.