If we would apply such philosophy (about don't care) to hospitals, many people would die of infections due workers makind dirty.
The point is that such places, fast foods, are not safe, and have workers who hate their job and express their frustration spiting on the food or similar things.
Typical of cowards... they should go to jail.
I remamber when I brought some burger home made to the physiotherapist girls who helped me with a tendon inflamation, and even some of the girls not being very nice I did the burger in very clean and nice conditions as I would do for the nicest people.
Sometimes I think some people really need physical punishment in childhood. Some sort of people don't listen to reason. They feel pleasure making wrong and so need to feel some pain for the evil they did, to breakdow the mechanism of "self reward being a freak".
Originally Posted by redpoint5
My point is, how can I know to be offended if I don't even know about the offense?
I'm also the type to avoid being offended and give others the opportunity to correct any problem they are responsible for.