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Old 08-27-2019, 09:50 PM   #5 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by joggerfogger View Post
Cummins 6BT is doable, but a little too big/heavy.[][]Then looked at Cummins 4BT, but they're very loud and getting harder to find.
Surprisingly, in my country (Brazil) it's been more common to see 4-cyls below 5-litre fitted to medium-duty trucks instead of a 6BT or similar other engines. When it comes to the U.S. it seems like Cummins is putting higher hopes on the more rev-happy R2.8 crate engine program, but I'm surprised the ISF3.8 didn't spawn into some U.S.-spec version similar to how the R2.8 evolved from the ISF2.8 which has been quite popular among Chinese truck factories and had even been factory-fitted to some versions of the Ford F-350 in my country.

The Isuzu 4BD1t is less favored in the diesel swap world, but I believe there are many times more units available in the world.
Well, maybe the 4JB1/4JB1-T/4JB1-TC outnumber it, not to mention the many Chinese copies
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