Originally Posted by mpg_numbers_guy
Depends on how much one uses them. If one has a family or regularly transports people, then a minimum 4 seater would definitely be necessary. If you're just a young, single guy like me, a 2 seater works perfectly. Over the close to a year I had my Civic, I only had passengers in the rear seat twice.
You'd be the one needing the extra seats in my vehicle then, as carpooling would require one of us to have the extra room. Not a big deal I suppose since most everyone else has 5 seats.
As I single guy I still used the extra seats fairly regularly. Parking downtown sucks and costs money, so carpooling helps with that. Going camping or hiking is more fun and cheaper to carpool. About once every 5 years or so I end up cramming more than 5 people into a car in an almost emergency situation, such as hikers losing light and not being able to make it back to their camp, or a car catching fire in the woods and the people needing a ride back home.