Originally Posted by redpoint5
I don't know what made me think of this OT thing, but ever notice how there's a common theme in movies where they say that talking is wasting oxygen? Metabolic rate determines oxygen consumption, not how quickly air moves into or out of the lungs.
Perhaps I was thinking in terms of the Earth metabolic rate?
Some of the pocket-protector set have referred to Earth as our spaceship,with a crew of 7,000,000,000. And we're having a 'Houston,we have a problem' moment,and the flight director supposed to set the entire engineering team loose,to explore every avenue to a solution.
I personally think about Apollo-13.Carbon dioxide was building to lethal levels in the command module and they had to evacuate to the service module,cut power by 13-Amps,cobble a *******ized Lithium hydroxide CO2 filter element together with duct tape,and hunker down in freezing conditions 'til they neared Earth enough for a one-shot retro burn for re-entry.
They had to economize on everything they had,breathing included.
Metabolic rate could be a great metaphor for a number of things.