I literally have a speech corner, just a small portion of a decent-sized room off of a classroom. The teacher does not seem to like having me come through her class, even though I have only seen her work with one student, and she keeps closing the door, which is illegal. She also keeps locking me out of the room. Today I waited fifteen minutes for the custodian to let me in just so I could drop off my stuff and go home.
Today I met the dispatcher, who has driven one of the five twenty-year-old buses for a year. She was upset that I took up a small portion of her room. She was also upset that she could not get her job title on her badge.
I got a badge, too, so that is good.
That corner was empty and she liked it that way!
I have only seen her twice in two weeks and apparently that was two times too many! I mentioned driving a school bus years ago, but not having a CDL, and she said she was disappointed that we could not solve each other's problems.
To clarify, she meant her problems, but maybe if I got a CDL and also started driving twenty-year-old buses she would actually like me!
I do not have any idea when I will get the hang of two jobs!

I work two and a half days at one school, but was not scheduled to see any kids today, I just have that time to catch up on my notes, which take a couple of minutes per kid. However, since I spent a couple of hours setting up my room on Monday, I was unable to see those kids, and I rescheduled them for the morning. Then I drove half an hour down a back road to another school and saw ten kids.
It is amazing how some seem completely incapable of focusing for an entire second and others are so cute and wonderful I want to call their parents and say "Be sure to give them lots of hugs!"
"Sure, who the heck are you?!"
Two guys were installing a side door today, so I needed to see kids elsewhere, which was fine. They did not finish today, but when they do I am supposed to get a key. Hopefully it also opens the gate so that I do not need to walk five minutes through the school just to get to and from my car. Also, the teacher will be able to pretend that I do not exist. That seems to make women happy.
The dispatcher is stuck, though, and I discriminate in favor of young cute women.
We finally got some rain today, I saw my two clients, and I went straight to bed when I came home! I slept from 1820 to 0020!
I think that I only have three clients scheduled for today, although there is a chance that I can make up two clients that I have seen Tuesday night for several months.
I will just need to see two kids that I usually see at 1600 at 1730.
No excuse not to work on my Civic during the day?