Well, the results are in and my mileage for the tank is down by roughly 120 miles. When I filled up this morning the ScanGuage II did not need any calibration with the amount of fuel added to it. Prior to having trouble I would have about 3%-5% adjustment with each new tank.
Maybe this is the ScanGuage adjusting itself but if so, the tanks that I've had before this have been badly skewed in their readings and I'm disappointed in the mileage readings that I'm getting now.
I realize that 1 full tank with the new readings is not nearly enough for a definitive answer to this issue. I guess this is really a time to practice my hypermiling techniques to see what I've learned and see if I can improve on this reduced mpg.
So my question now is... How do I reset the ScanGuage II to factory presets and wipe out all of the data that I've entered? Is it as simple as calibrating it to a new vehicle and running it on that vehicle for a full tank or is there something else that I need to do?
I've got some other questions for the forum but they'll go in a different section so I don't clutter this post up.
Thank you very much to everyone that replied. I do value your own experiences and will learn as much as I can from this.
Until next time, keep the shiny side up and drive safe,