Originally Posted by Xist
That has a distributor, not a coil pack. Someone told me that bad wires would cause a visible short in the dark, but water would definitely help.
If I knew where my multimeter was (or bought another) I could test the boring way.
It might only be an issue while idling, but I idled for a couple of minutes while I moved Mom's car out of the way.
Get the multimeter and check the resistance from under the cap,out the end of each wire.
A cracked insulator on any plug will cause an intermittent misfire ( I had one for 30,000-miles and HONDA dealer never could find it(which I finally did on a moonless night with the hood propped open)
If it were a bad coil,I don't think it would run under load at all.She'd idle fine,but as soon as you moved she'd fall on her face.
Some HONDA coils have a built-in resistor also.Afermarket coils don't necessarily have this feature.And I've also experienced a 'bad' brand new,$2.00 DELCO rotor (a walk-home failure).Sometimes it pays to use authentic HONDA parts.