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Old 09-22-2019, 09:38 AM   #21 (permalink)
home of the odd vehicles
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If you care about such matters check the registration + insurance for the car in your area first

$85 + $30 + $164.80 + $100 + (can’t remember the extra cost on the title for an EV) + sales tax = ????

There are very few Ford EVs in the market so no real feedback there,
they are quite heavy and lower efficiency than some other EVs, with a typical summer range of 75 miles (no hypermiling) and from the few reports I’ve seen mostly reliable save a 12v battery discharge issue

At this venture I too live in WisConSin and plan on getting back into my very old cars to avoid fees I morally object to.

If you want an EV it’s likely better financially to buy an NEV or an oldie/conversion then modify/modernize so you can avoid the extra costs

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