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Old 09-22-2019, 10:14 PM   #33 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
While it seems like most people say they were always against invading Afghanistan, there was overwhelming support at the time.
I remember, there was a much greater support for a military operation in Afghanistan right after 9/11 than 2 years later in Iraq. Well, even though I don't consider such operations to be a mistake at all, I do believe the average Americans could take a look into options to reduce the dependence on oil. Not only opening their minds to engine efficiency and other fuel-saving features that serve right for everyone else abroad, but also for biofuels. Even if a war ends up being effectively necessary, a lesser dependence for resources from a war-torn zone at the home front is desirable, and might become a valuable asset even when it would seem unlikely for the USA to engage in such war.
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