its tough to beat a car that's paid for, pencil it out.
40+psi tire pressure, syn. lube in gear boxes, set base timing to 12 degrees, single exhaust, new filters, try with and without EGR(if its stuck open real bad for mpg) some respond and some don't, Vacuum gage, check brakes for drag, esp. e brake cables, straight alignment, you probably have a great rear axle ratio, best mileage is drive fast enough to just keep the Torque converter locked up, sir coast alot, drive like you have no brakes (look way ahead as far as you can see), shut off if long wait, small fan on dash much better than AC, intake and exhaust mods won't help unless something is bad, because your only using 20hp (right), neutral coast with engine idle, drive like who, vacuum gage, careful with a grill block can damage things under the hood, and last but not least,
add one item at a time.