A word to the wise, do not get Kenda Kenetica tires if you want the most out of your car for MPG. I used to have Westlake RP18 on my VX and it would get 52-53 MPG regularly even when the tires were new. With the kenda's it is all I can do to maintain 50 MPG and I have had them for about 4 months now. I have even bumped the tire pressure up to 40 psi. (I ran 35 psi on the Westlake tires and still got better MPG). I can really tell a difference to how far I could coast to how far I can coast now. This last tank I got 49.75 MPG. Just goes to show, not all 175-70-13's are created equal. After these wear out I am for sure going back to the Westlake tires.
P.S. I have not disregarded the infomation from MPG numbers guy and fusion210. I am reading bits and pieces here and there as I have time from the recommended posts.