Originally Posted by MeteorGray
Wow, speeding through 318 curves in 11 miles must have got the adrenaline flowing.
Congratulations on your best-in-show 23 mpg. It might be half your normal, but I bet it was at more than twice the thrill!
It was at least 10x the thrill! I’m still riding down a big natural high from the weekend and still get all giddy looking back on it all. BEST. WEEKEND. EVER.
Originally Posted by iikhod
Congrats on your results.
Was the 11 mile part of that road closed during this thing?
The road was not closed in the least; an unspoken law of the Dragon is that you never cross the center for any reason whatsoever- while you’re blitzing the road in one direction, other people are blitzing it from the opposite direction and it wasn’t uncommon to meet someone on a sport bike or super car coming in the other direction at 80-90mph... for reference the posted limit was 30