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Old 09-26-2019, 02:49 AM   #7095 (permalink)
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It's an age of meta-materials. Here's a story from about quasi-2-dimensional polymer materials: Bottom-up synthesis of crystalline 2-D polymers
The research team led by Prof. Dr. Xinliang Feng (TU Dresden) innovatively developed a novel synthetic route: using surfactant monolayer as a soft template to guide the supramolecular organization of monomers and the subsequent 2-D polymerization at an air-water interface. This synthetic methodology is now termed as surfactant-monolayer-assistant interfacial synthesis (SMAIS). By using the SMAIS method, Dr. Tao Zhang synthesized crystalline quasi-2-D polyaniline films with lateral size ~50 cm2 and tunable thickness (2.6—30 nm).

The superior charge transport properties and chemiresistivity toward ammonia and volatile organic compounds render the quasi-2-D polyaniline films as promising electroactive materials for thin-film organic electronics.
The future is so bright we'll need mirror-shades.
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The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu