Originally Posted by freebeard
Just be aware that the Imperial gallon is 0.8326716 of a real gallon.
I'm skeptical of the origin story. If today's mileage were available then we might be talking about miles per quart. It might have been available in gallon tins, but generally it was hand pumped into an elevated (graduated) sight-glass and then drained into the car by gravity.
In the one-time Republic of South Vietnam, they sold gas from roadside stands in American whisky bottles.
Isn't it the other way around? The real gallon is smaller. Some would say the Brits changed their gallon to be some kind of scientific calculation while the US kept the good old gallon based on the size of the queens bowel movements or some such thing.
Miles is also a silly distance, I personally still use leagues, the distance an effective cannon can be shot at ships approaching your coastline. Now there is a useful measurement. Not those candy assed Spanish cannons that shoot 2.63 miles but the good English ones lobing a one stone weight cannonball to 3 miles.
So it's leagues per bowel movement for me.