Originally Posted by oil pan 4
To the casual observer they appear to be the spokes people behind the more sensational fact less hyperbole going around.
For example around september 14 AOC said "Miami will be gone in a few years" has no basis reality.
I say let her talk she drives more reasonable believers away than any denier could ever could.
My experts are the ones in the ipcc who say they world isn't going to end in 12 years.
Consider a 185-mph,CAT-5, with a 23-foot surge,coming ashore,on top of a King Tide,and then stalling there for 36-hours,with 63-inches of rain,like Harvey.That would constitute the end of Miami.And it's currently not beyond the realm of reality,considering the last two years.
In this context,or caveat,A.O.C.is speaking very reasonably.