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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Just when you thought the treasure trove of aerodynamically interesting vehicles had been nearly exhausted - a bunch of new finds get posted!
I'm just bummed out that so many were just Photoshop artwork.
I will try to vet this stuff better in the future.
More and better images of the mystery car, but getting differing descriptions of it.
Rollendes Haus mit knapp 200 Km/h
Another claims:
1930's Sigvard Berggren "Ford" V8 streamliner. | auto-mobilia ...
Sigvard Berggren's 'Future' Car, Sweden 1951-Tap The link Now For More Information on
The Sigvard Berggren "Ford" V8 streamliner in Sweden in 1959.
More info and images here:
The basis for his creation was a 1938 Dodge chassis originally used on a taxi. ......................
Air intakes fitted to each side, which provided cooling air to the 100 horsepower flathead Ford V-8 engine,,,,,,,,,,,
This site might be a bit of "a find:.
What we know as "fluid mechanics" had its beginnings in the early 20th century in the Lower Saxony village of Gottingen. The mathematician Felix Klein began studying air flow as a fluid and how it acted upon shaped bodies. The true pioneers however, were working in the aviation field seeking new ways to reduce drag and increase speed in aircraft designs. By the 1930's, Schlor, Paul Jaray, and Wunibald Kamm became leading advocates of streamlined body shapes in automotive use. ............
The AutoCult GmbH was founded in the beginning of 2015, by a team, who can look back on years of successful experience in model car business.
True to our brand and company name we are dedicated to realize long since forgotten automobiles, which stand out due to its extraordinary shape or its groundbreaking construction, as miniatures. The focus is not only on the model itself, we also want to highlight and tell our collectors the story and information behind each car. In this way AutoCult resurrect long since forgotten brands in miniature form.
Each of our models is sophisticatedly handcrafted of resin, is subject to strict quality controls and a limitation of 333 pieces. The limitation is evidenced by an enclosed booklet, which also contains the story of the car. At the end of each year AutoCult issues a book of the year, containing all detailed and illustrated stories of the released model cars of the year.
The AutoCult model range is subdivided in 12 different categories to offer the collector the continuous opportunity to keep his/ her collector’s field affordably complete. Below the categories, like Streamliner, Microcars or Racing, partly quirky but also pioneering models; sometimes defunct; are released and will be released. Through substantial knowledge in classic model making it is possible to realize these models without CAD-assistance.
Due to a sensitive selection of suitable distributers and dealers and through our worldwide limitation of “only” 333 pieces, we can offer and ensure a certain price stability and recoverability. Our Models are only distributed by specialist dealers and museum shops.
We look forward to take you with us on our "journey through time" of automobile history.
Your AutoCult-Team.
Oh man, what a find.
Even during the years of World War II, the Schlörwagen stayed an experimental car and was disassembled later. Karl Schlör unsuccessfully tried again to get the permission to rebuild his car, which was denied by the British Military Administration. Then, to Mr. Schlör’s disappointment, the chassis and the empty body were destroyed.
Interesting text.
Nevertheless, the Schlörwagen did not make it from prototype to series production because of two reasons: The shape and – again – the shape! With its low drag, the Schlörwagen reacted very heavy to side winds. This made it difficult or even dangerous to control the vehicle.
Due to a sensitive selection of suitable distributers and dealers and through our worldwide limitation of “only” 333 pieces, we can offer and ensure a certain price stability and recoverability. Our Models are only distributed by specialist dealers and museum shops.
Architect, Artist and Designer of Objects
2012 Infiniti G37X Coupe
1977 Porsche 911s Targa
1998 Chevy S-10 Pick-Up truck
1989 Scat II HP Hovercraft
You cannot sell aerodynamics in a can............
Last edited by kach22i; 09-27-2019 at 10:30 PM..