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Old 10-01-2019, 05:23 AM   #1 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Communication is hard!

My supervisor just rejected four sets of notes. Somehow I missed something that we were told to include three months ago. I do not know how I went three months without catching that, except that part does not change from week to week, so I probably do not check it very closely, but it probably should have taken her less than three months to catch it.

My supervisor has now rejected the same set of notes twice. I originally submitted notes including "Client has maintained 100% accuracy for 3 consecutive sessions asking the therapist Wh- questions, following conditional directions. and sequencing stories." She rejected the notes saying "Please edit so that it makes sense." I changed it to "Client has maintained 100% accuracy for 3 consecutive sessions for the following three goals: Asking the therapist Wh- questions, following conditional directions. and sequencing stories." She rejected it again and wrote "You did not repair the sentence."

I asked what part of it was unclear and she responded with a blank message.

I just want to submit good notes and go to bed, but I do not know what she wants.

"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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