Doctors are mainly mechanics. Elevation in status and protection from competition is the same as locking up the food. There’s zero need for single-payer as enforcement of anti-trust will suffice. Going after pharmaceutical and hospital corporations in the same way will unmask the free healthcare for the millions of invaders and their parasitical offspring. To threaten you with bankruptcy, tie you to an employer, and simultaneously have you subsidize your replacements is damned effective.
You’re a burden to family when born, and this health system is designed to extract every last dollar of you AND YOUR FAMILY in the last years prior to your death. Unless, of course, you’re a protected class of invader.
Global Warming is a scam. As is anything similar. Pick your pockets and remove your ability to resist.
That it looks like that which also reduces pollution and improves our chances is what fools those who’s Faith is misplaced.
The cheap, simple fixes aren’t being implemented. Nor the ones with a modicum of expense. Who would be against having traffic lights timed? Interstate highways TOTALLY bypassing cities (the miles thru them ripped out) and streetcars back?
Or deportation of any illegals and their prodigy no matter how many generations extant. Who have zero claim on our resources. The suburban sprawl of cities since ethnic cleansing in the late ‘60’s is a gigantic waste. “Profit” today is increased volume of consumers.
But these things coming to pass as cheap starts might also entail having to tell the truth. And act thereon. The reduction of taxation and regulatory rules (not passed by Congress) would free everyone. Which in turn would open the rest of the gigantic ongoing theft to exam.
One car per household versus one per adult isn’t hard to contemplate. It was the norm right thru the 1950s. But not with today’s mess. Why it’s a mess isn’t asked. There’s only ONE group that produces a tax surplus. And forced to support all others. That won’t last much longer
Those who would further restrict choice (freedom) aren’t abashed at restricting liberty either. GW is just an excuse to further tyranny. A next step.
It’s a war long in the making. But it IS war.
As no one in China or the Third World will EVER stop profligate use of fossil fuels, get a clue. The war is on Europe and the United States. What got going clandestinely with the establishment of of the Bank of England in 1694, then openly with the slaughters of WWI and the Russian coup d’tat is simply into its latest phase.
Last edited by slowmover; 10-01-2019 at 10:36 AM..