I was exercising in the park yesterday, and the weather closed and rain started. I was coming close to a public couvered sport court, and get into there to wait the rain stop.
There were kids and youths playing soccer, and I observed while to trying get away of water brought with some fast wind lateral flows. Some kids fall to ground, as always. But I noticed one was in some dispair, with his hand on the jaw, and the play, with very few kids, stoped. I move closer and observed for a while imagining was not very seriously. But as he keept in some dispair I approuched some other kids and asked about. The told me hurt his mouth, maybe broken a tooth. I came close the kid, less than 10 years old probably and he also had a open cut on his lower chin, holding a piece of napkin paper or so. He was moving in pain. Almost no grown-up was helping hin, just one guy asked something but move away. But then other grown up appears, and this time to be next to hin.
I notice the wound was worse, it looked like the entire tooth was missing and not just a piece of it. I had already talked to his friends that he needed a ambulance, but the boy wanted to wait his father and didn't remamber the phone of his father or mother, and the kid live with stepfather and mother.
I told some kids, near hin, asking where he felt, and that we needed to search for his tooth, since it could be reimplanted. After some rearch in the ground with two kids I found the tooth and asked some small platic bag to put it on. Some kid get a plastic bag and I put it. I told the kids and the other grown-up that was inportant to go to hospital and to try reimplant the tooth, that looked very entire with root ok, since there was a deadline to allow reimplant in such cases. It would be much less costly and easier than pay for a titaniun pin and prosthetics.
And then I found one teacher, trainner, who is paid to train kids in soccer by the city. He wasn't his actual teacher but his former teacher (now another team), and was black and had a laisy way of be move and talk. He demosntrated no concern with the boy, and only went to see the kid after I approached hin and told the kid was needing help. He came to the kid just just talk briefly and move away.
I said to myself, what the f.... This son of a b... is paid to take care of the kids who use the sport court, was a teacher of this particular kids few time ago, and just didn't care, didn't gave a damn about the kid injury and dispair.
Think with me. If it was a european country and a white blonde teracher didn't gave a damn about a black kid injuried, everyone would acuse hin of racism. But a black teacher can be a cret..in and ignores, and nobody cares
The other grown-up, who had some connection with the team (maybe was a trainer of other sport or other teams), and which I was talking about how help the kid, run into a police car that was sllow passing near a street 30 meter aways, and asked help. The policeman arrive but was very cold, didn't said any good words to calm the kid, and we suggest a ambulance, but minors couldn't go together with the kid. Some more talking and in the mean time his father arrived by motorcycle, and also talked with the police. They decided waitht he ambulane arrive isntead of hin move his son in the motorcycle with hin.
I explained everything to hin, about tooth reimplant possibility, he was given the tooth in the bag, which I previously gave to the other grow-up, and I also explained about require from doctor a sub-dermal stitches (inside skin stitches) to avoid bad scarring. I also talked about the black teacher who didn't care at all about the kids injury and suffering and instructed hin to complain at the city hall secretary, since the teacher was hired by city.
But I bet they will not mess with anyone, as usual in the fuc...ing country (Brazil).
I was going away, and from some distance I saw the ambulance arrive next them.
I feel nobody care about kids today.
We only see fights for women, for abortship, for run naked, use drugs, for who...edom, LGBTs, for fight racism. Of course racism and prejudice are a huge concern, but the kids todays it's like something that are forgotten.