Some movement as a result of my WI DOT open records request, but it begs the question as to how these categorizations were arrived at:
All G1 Insights identified as "Full Hybrid" subject to the fee.
All gas-only Prius from 2001 to 2016 (and probably beyond) identified as "Full Hybrid" subject to the fee.
Chevy Malibu Eco is NOT subject to the "Full Hybrid" fee.
I'm seeking additional details about the VIN values and subsequent processes that generate these categorizations. The fight at this point is to equate G1 Insights with Malibu Ecos as both meet the WI Legislative Fiscal Bureau definition for mild hybrid. It'll be tougher to exempt gas-only Prius, but we'll see after more info on the categorization process is uncovered (or not). But there may be a way using to challenge the WI DOT process. After that, it will be arguments about "equal protection" as identified by the WI Legislative Fiscal Bureau, but that will undoubtedly take litigation. The equal protection arguments should be usable in any state. It might be possible to use the WI Legislative Fiscal Bureau's arguments as a "professional" opinion as to why equal protection should apply.