Great MPG!
Originally Posted by #SaveTheManuals
I'm starting to doubt my ability to properly exploit BSFC, because I achieved the 49.4 only using granny techniques. On the (slightly longer) return trip I averaged 45.0 while trying to use BSFC. There's only a ~30 foot elevation difference between the endpoints, so that shouldn't matter much.
Lowest RPM is usually better than BSFC for cruising. Lower RPM = higher engine load for a given speed = greater engine efficiency, usually more so than at peak BSFC. Cars are most efficient the closer they are to WOT (wide open throttle). Peak BSFC is for acceleration efficiency.
Peak BSFC is also for pulse-and-glide - accelerate at peak BSFC, and then engine off coast. Usually this technique is for the more extreme hypermilers; it got tiring very quickly when I did it in my Civic.