Originally Posted by ennored
Don't forget that the taper in the top view will be different, as it's applied at the centerline of the vehicle. Applied like that, it's only ~4' "tall", so you'll get a much more aggressive taper on the sides.
Hi Ennoread,
Are you saying that I might be underestimating the taper based in my calcs from the side photos? That I might be thinking it is 15 degrees or so when it is actually more?
If so, could you elaborate because I don't quite get it. I did wonder about that because I am calculating from the photo as it is a 2 dimensional object and obviously it is not. Is that what you are referring to by the view from the top? I don't get the ~4 feet reference?
Thanks, Bill
I cut a piece of plywood for the base last night at the 15 degree mark and it feels like the taper is less than the NASA truck or the RV Aero vehicle I mentioned, so I am inclined to think you are on to something here.