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Old 10-14-2019, 09:10 PM   #64 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Brazil
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On Brazil we have water reservoir (in general 1500 or 2000 liter waterbox) becase Brazil's supply services wasn't as trustable as in USA, and there was more risk of hours days without water along the year. Even in cities and states with better services, close to american standart, it stay, as it was a tradition and a safe reservoir. All homes here have it.

If USA homes had waterbox, many movies would miss the chance to create conflict among neigbours, in situation of caos. Like this short film :

I was making a point, but hadn't intention to be right wing. Social contrast raized in USA along last 3 decades.
Health it's still a problem. You can get car, air conditioned, large bathtube, being "poor" in america, but can die if have or can't afford a good health ensurance.
Anyway, one more critic to fanatic left wing, since already did one against right wing (on health issue): SOme left winger said many criminals steal because they are in need, but a ot of them have jobs and home, car, bathtube. If they was in real need, like hugry, while other are in wealthy luxury, it could be a argument, but not a argument if they are in safe conditions.
I see left wingers on Brazil almost trying to justify stealing for crazy reasons, like to have the same expensive watch of a rich guy, or the same expensive cloth ou car. This is a sick argument and very dangerous, since can estimulaty criminality or criate criminal ideologies. What will be the next, try to force beautiful people to play plastic surgery to uggly people, just because they born "with privilegy"in aesthetics???
They (in this specific example) are making people think like a stupid crabbyng child.
Some comunist politicians, with a golden rolex on wrist... and the most esxpensive clothes and pricy gadgets on market. And what excuse such crap bas...t... hipocrite use? They say : "We want that everyone to get rich and be able to buy a expensive thing like this". And some stupid people believe them. They forgot, or jsut don't know, that there is no rich people without poor people (or medium class that would be poor compared to rich people).

Originally Posted by Shaneajanderson View Post
You are correct here in all points, Americans are very fortunate (spoiled?)

Emergency water storage is a great idea, and I intend to do some in my new house, can't where I am now. We also try to keep a couple weeks supply of food on hand in case we can't get out or something happens: where I live it's not uncommon to get trapped in town for a week because of a blizzard, and while I could drive across town the the local grocery store, the prices locally are 3-4X what they are in Fargo just 50 miles away; preparedness saves you money too.

I've read before that an American making minimum wage today is more wealthy than over 99% of people throughout history, and more wealthy than many many people alive today. People here can have a decent apartment, a running car, and a smart phone from a minimum wage job, if they know how to budget a little.

Last edited by All Darc; 10-14-2019 at 09:18 PM..
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