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Old 10-14-2019, 11:22 PM   #68 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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Funny... American left wing use examples about poverty that would be more suitable to Brazil (and others under development countries), to try atack wealth people.
And brazilian right wing uses examples about hard work and merit that are more suitable to USA, to try to say povert it's almost a choice.

Emergency, like the word say, it's for emergency. On Brazil people do the same, or worse, like demand the doctor to give a medical certificate for them scape penality for miss the day work, or go to emergency for any silly thing, or even because got drunk.
But emergency don't take the necessary things to help sick people. It do not pay surgeries, or transplants or exames for prevent or early detect a lot of possible diseases.

About drugs and unwanted pregnancy/single mother pregnancy (if almost alone, young and poor), these are high problems, leading to disgrace. The stupid thing it's left wing making critics to poverty but at same time raising flags in favor of drugs, erotism hedonism in early age, single motherhood as a simple chocie, and so making poor people more into these things, leading them to disgrace and poverty.
And right wing, conservatives, don't care about birth control, since religious want to make people have more kids. They also don't appear to care much about kids, get kids school, education, health, protection etc...

Last edited by All Darc; 10-14-2019 at 11:44 PM..
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