Originally Posted by aerohead
The data has no significance without the context of load.And load is not locked in stasis.It can vary almost instantaneously with the stroke of a pen,rearranging ink on a paper.Your graphic completely misrepresents potentialities,as if the world was locked in an immovable paradigm.An endlessly continuing theme.
That is ridiculous. Built out infrastructure doesn't change with the stroke of a pen. Data does not lie. Denying it does nothing to suggest wise and pragmatic actions that can lead us to change. Energy load is dependant upon many considerations. Even with an institution of worldwide Marshal Law and extreme imposed authoritarian austerity. Mainly at this point being, the infrastructure that uses it. Which must be totally rebuilt to change from liquid fuel and natural gas, to electricity. Of which many industrial processes, mining and refining, and agriculture have no practical electrical possibility in sight at this scale for 7.6 billion people. This will take hundreds of trillions of dollars and several decades. It has taken us 70 years of the Great Acceleration to grow this big and it will take just as long to build it into something else all over again with a controlled degrowth at a rate that does not seem so much like a total collapse.