It would make sense for a new connector type and packaging standard to be developed for LED for new construction and remodels. Heck, it might even make sense for the electronics to be housed in a separate module within the house so that bulbs are fed DC at the voltage they need, thereby reducing complexity/cost and possibly improving safety. A single 15A run to a centrally located converter could then branch out to all rooms. There'd be a little cost savings for wiring since you only need 1 AC branch to feed all lights, and the low voltage would make working on lighting safe.
I made my first LED light in 1999 by crushing the glass bulb in my Petzl headlamp and wiring 3 white LEDs in series with an appropriately rated resistor, soldered to the base of the crushed bulb. I wanted the ability to swap back to a regular bulb if my new invention failed. I think each white LED was $8 apiece. I went from getting 1 night hike out of a set of AA batteries to several weeks worth.