Originally Posted by Xist
I didn't think it was that bad. Sand, pull the metal until it is close, use just a little bit of filler, sand, and repaint. The car is less than a year old, so they shouldn't really need to blend it in.
They're doing exactly that. A lot of parts are being removed, but the labor ops for the rocker panel and door panel are RPR (repair). The 3 parts with RR (remove & replace) and with part numbers are priced below list.
They have to blend. It's a year old car and it's going to auction soon under the premise that it's had a year of light use and is otherwise basically perfect- and dealers want to pay top dollar for that. Anything that looks like sheetmetal damage is going to drop it into a totally different price range because dealers know that even if there's nothing actually wrong with it, they're going to have to spend time and money looking for things wrong so they don't get surprises after they sell it.
It's a bummer, but it still looks like they're trying to repair it on the cheap- they're not putting a new rocker panel and door skin on it.