Originally Posted by Xist
A little too much time alone on the road, SlowMover?
Answers, per se, are embedded in the question.
1). Large inherited wealth will always destroy republican government. What folks might need is more akin to a family business that can be bought and sold. A home is the other item. For those two, private banks aren’t needed any more than an aristocracy.
2). What taxation exists should be clear and simple. No deduction or other avoidance.
3). The sickness of wealth accumulation has an easy answer to protests about “limits”: Get a life.
I’m also in favor of voters being only those who are married male property owners. (Net). One must also be able to defend that vote. As it’s purpose is to forestall violence, it’s the only thing that will work.
Ones family should be the focus of one’s concern. For which the husband answers. As he is the only one who can.
Thus his fate is tied to neighbors and that larger regional community. A “state” becomes a stretch, and the federal level becomes abstract.
I certainly see no need for corporations. Except as limited purpose and with stated lifespan (to complete a project).
I hold no hope of this type of sensibility coming about. War is on us past the lives of all breathing, and only the shooting phase needs to commence. Agree or not, lifelong indebted servitude isn’t going away on its own. Painting murals on the ghetto walls means nothing.
In retort to “alone”, you’re not one of those owns a TV, are you?
Since approximately WWII we’ve been enveloped with EMF. It’s only worsened. To the point that the hilarious HOPE & WONDER of the majority is free electricity transmitted invisibly. Tesla and his atmospheric currents.
That’s wishing for an unbreakable jail cell.
TV (and all other image transmission) has made willing slaves.
Disagree? Show us the pic of the TVs on the trash heap. And every video device of any sort.
No one escaped. No one will. The “program” here or in a Roman colony produced the same result.
What we might do afterwards ought to be sensible. Responsibility from the ground up.