Originally Posted by All Darc
Even if was a improvment, they lie, just lie, when they used to say LED had 178 degree of view angle !!!
I never watch TV from the same plane that it's hung, so extreme viewing angles mean nothing to me. In fact, I prefer a narrow viewing angle as it's inefficient to send light to corners of the room nobody is sitting. I'd be happy with a 90 degree field of view.
Originally Posted by All Darc
They should quite LCD, for good, instead of try to create different versions of it with the same old problems.
Funny that plasma is what the industry quit. They had excellent dynamic range.
Hopefully OLED comes down in price and durability improves. One thing though, OLED consumes more electricity than LCD, but I'm not sure why. LCD wastes the light not needed to produce an image while OLED simply produces the light that is needed, and nothing more.