My phone recommended this, but YouTube didn't when I went to their site, even when I scrolled all of the way to the end. I used to watch this guy, I appreciated how he did not seem to have a bias, but after changing videos a couple of times because he definitely showed a bias, I thought that I would try again.
I am sure that people would argue that he does have a slant, but I do not feel that he is arguing for or against anything, and he said that he spent a month straight researching this. He says that he is a service-disabled Veteran and doesn't have anything better to do with his time:
3:30 talks about the Chargemaster, which Adam, the Ruiner of Everything mentioned a while ago, but Adam absolutely has a bias, and some things he has said had such obvious problems that I stopped watching him.
Anyway, the Chargemaster is their secret list of prices, which is inflated so insurance can get you a discount. If you do not have insurance, you pay the inflated price!
He said that Urgent Care is vastly cheaper because they do not need to support a hospital. It also seems like the faster you want something, the more it costs. He said that since the prices are hidden, if you somehow had a minute or two to call the closest hospitals, there would be no way of knowing which hospital might charge you ten times as much as another.
5:00 price varies by location--down to the street!
The ACA made it illegal to charge based on your medical history, but they can still charge differently for almost any reason, such as gender and age. Stitches on an infant would cost much more.
6:50 the ACA mandates that every employer with at least 50 employees needs to provide health insurance, but they might not pay for any of it, and you might have a terrible plan.
7:00 Car insurance costs less the fewer people that pay into it. This also applies to health insurance, but he says that people do not accept this. Mandating that everyone had insurance should have made it cheaper for everyone (except for those with preexisting conditions)
7:50 Many people consider health insurance to be a scam because you do not get anything for your money if you never use it.
11:15 If your appendix bursts with one month left in the year and you need continuing care the next month, which is the next year, you need to pay your maximum out-of-pocket cost again, effectively doubling your cost.
12:00 He seems to say that President Obama couldn't guarantee that you could keep your doctor because they can't force your doctor to continue working with your insurance company.
That does not sound honest. How many people lost their doctors because the doctors stopped working with that specific insurance company?
At 12:30 he said that you can go to an in-network hospital and be treated by a specialist out of the network.
19:30 A single person in Alabama must make less than $771 a month to qualify for Medicaid. A panhandler averages $25 a day, so he recommends skipping Halloween.
20:50 He says this is just an overview, most of his viewers are decades from using Medicare.
A is for Inpatient and Hospital Services, with no premiums for the vast majority of people, but there is a $1,364 deductible and a complicated copay and coinsurance table.
B is for Outpatient and Doctor Services with a $135.50 premium for everyone with a $185 deductible.
A and B, called Original Medicare, have no out-of-pocket limit.
C is a private plan that replaces A, B, D, and supplements. They cannot control what they cover, just what they charge you. It is supposed to provide the same coverage, but some study found that 56% of people were denied necessary treatment just for monetary gain.
About 36% of people on Medicate are on Medicare Advantage, which isn't actually Medicare, but probably what people have when they complain about Medicare.
D is Prescription Drug Coverage, the most abused part, and also private.
Reporters invariably leave out which part is responsible when they discuss problems.
24:00 Prescriptions aren't usually covered by health insurance. Even in countries with socialized medicine, dental, vision, and prescriptions are usually separate.
People in the U.S. pay up to ten times as much for prescriptions as in other countries. In the U.K. they have more people receiving government healthcare than are on Medicare. The U.K. government negotiates and gets good prices because that company will have a monopoly on 66 million people.
25:00 Market share seems to have a much greater influence on healthcare costs than competition; the more people for whom you are negotiating, the lower your prices. If the government negotiates such great deals, where do pharmaceutical companies raise the money to pay for R&D?
The U.S., which doesn't negotiate for 320 million people.
26:00 The average American earns $59,039, pays $6,288 in Income Tax, $4,516 in FICA, for a total of $10,804 (18.3%). In England, you would pay $8,667 in Income Tax and $5,784 $14,451 (24.5%).
While Brits pay more, healthcare is included. In the U.S. the average annual employer-based premium across all types and levels for an individual is $6,896 a year.
That is $574.67 monthly.
That totals $17,700 (30%).
He says that if you double your income and are married with two kids, you would still pay more in the U.S.
27:30 England has a Value-Added Tax of 20%, but the cost of living is 7% lower, and when you figure in sales tax, they are comparable.
If your sales tax is 13%?
A Samsung Galaxy S10 is $15 more in London than New York and a Big Mac is $1.50 cheaper.
He argues that U.S. healthcare is more expensive, but actually worse.
28:24 Per capita, we pay double what they do ($9,892 versus $4,192). The U.K. has longer wait times, from a few minutes in the E.R. to a week or two for a procedure, but if longer wait times drastically reduce cost, but does not negatively affect healthcare outcomes, how important is it to be seen right now?
29:08 Bootyjudge's For All that Want It, previously called the Public Option, wouldn't change coverage for most people that already have it.
29:40 Bernie did not start Medicare for All, that is some lady that already dropped out of the election. He showed a reporter repeatedly ask Warren how much taxes would go up and she refused to answer, instead trying to say how much overall costs would go down. He says this isn't a dodge, even though taxes will go up for the middle class, they will save money, whether or not they have medical expenses. It will also get rid of the infamous bloat, your HR person has to pick a health plan, hospitals and doctors need to hire special billing coders, the insurance company needs claims specialists, and YouTubers need to make videos explaining everything.
32:30 He does not have a horse in the race, he goes to the VA, and none of these changes would affect him.