If you got stabbed on the job, your jobs insurance would pay your expenses. If you crashed your car, your auto insurance would pay your expenses.
I had my wife on a high deductible + HSA plan that cost $100/mo. After Obamacare, it went to $200/mo. It doubled overnight.
High deductible plans are what most people should have. An office visit for the sniffles should 100% be out of pocket, because the point of insurance is to protect against unexpected financial ruin due to catastrophe, not from minor or expected expenses. Office visits would then be super cheap because people would be price sensitive and require price transparency. After all, nobody brings a car into a repair shop, tell them to fix everything, and at the end pay whatever amount the shop wants to bill for.
Anyhow, I went years with no health insurance, and during that time I had a herniated disc that mostly disabled me for 2 months. If I had insurance, I'd have probably utilized more healthcare, but the results would have been the same; that the inflammation of the nerve went down over time and I was able to regain full function of my leg.
Regarding providing health insurance to employees; I'd never do it. I'm against it. Employing people has nothing to do with it, just as providing housing or a car or running water has nothing to do with providing employment. I would fairly compensate my employees and leave it up to them to get insurance tailored to their individual needs.