It drives again!
The FY1 trans swap is complete. The new clutch works fine, just need to not beat on it too hard until it’s properly broken in. My clutch pedal is junk and gave us issues seeming like a bad master cylinder until we looked closely.
My alignment is wrecked again, it was set based on loose and floppy rubber bushings which the front end no longer has. It also wrecked my front tires so I have two random tires in the proper size in place for now, until I can get it sorted.
The solid bushings make the thing super responsive and super precise and it’s possible to achieve cornering speeds that would terrify any sane individual, however it rides a little more firmly now (oops lol)
The gearing is terrific, though I give up use of 5th in town due to my fifth gear after tire size correction being half a hair more than 30mph per thousand RPM. 25 is just too slow to spin the engine under load in top gear. It’s worth noting that the shift up light no longer functions, presumably because the PCM doesn’t recognize the gear ratios anymore
Picture was taken from my phone mount, at an indicated 60mph, which was an actual speed of 63-64...
With alignment whacked and me sorting clutch issues I haven’t gotten any readings on mileage but it should be great with the car all dialed in
My current Ecotec project...

My last Ecotec project...