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Old 10-25-2019, 11:06 PM   #22 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Do you remamber about the poor black theif who got lashes just because he stole chocolate bars in a supermarket on Brazil?
When the news started they were telling it was deep absurd racism, like punishment by laves but in 21 century.
Days later they published the photos of the security guards who lashed hin. Both were black, one dark and the other brow. I asked if this was interiorized racism (like a black who hate blacks) in the UOL news page, and my comment got censored.
It's not a matter of racism. Had it been a white stealing, I'm sure they would do the same. However, if the guards were white, I'm sure the afronazis would still be raising all hell against them.

Some black guards and black cops hate blacks criminals more than white criminals. I presume they hate outlaw blacks more because they feel people judge blacks in pejorative ways due much higher criminality among blacks.
Not only black guards and black cops. Even some regular blacks seem to hate black criminals more, because they effectively give all the blacks a bad name.

Maybe it's like a brazilian on Europe, behaving well, following rules, but a bit angry about the brazilians around who don't and so gave bad reputation for brazilians in general for the eyes of european people.
A friend who moved to Europe told me about it, and he does get angry at some Brazilians who misbehave. Brazilians in Japan also talk about this issue quite often.
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