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Old 10-25-2019, 11:22 PM   #8 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
I [day]dreamt about a Fad T with an Indian air-cooled 77"(~1200cc) inline four and an empty chrome radiator shell with a fancy (Motometer?) radiator cap.
Not sure about that Indian engine specifically, but I'm sure this Kawasaki 250cc if backed by some very low gearing to match the RPM at the wheel and the multiplied torque might easily outperform some small car engines, such as the Beetle's or even the low-compression 1.0L version of the Opel Family 1 engine which was fitted to the Corsa which I learned to drive on. It makes me wish a ZX25R even more but, after I spent one week taking care of a French bulldog for a guy who had a motorcycle crash and broke 6 ribs, I'd rather pick just the engine of that crotch-rocket to use in some other application...
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