Pic 6:
Same picture as my post on page 8. This is everything assembled. The two battery computers are in front of the IPU case underneath the horizontal structural support bar. The orange wire with the pink foam thing at the end, in the foam is a home-made "BCM Fooler" which is a simple circuit board designed by Peter Perkins on Insight Central.
Pic 7:
Circuit diagram for the BCM fooler. The negative lead goes to the black wire terminal at the top of the junction board. The positive lead goes to the spot at the bottom where you typically attach a grid charger. I omitted the LED as I did not have the correct type on hand. The diagram calls for 10K Ohm resistors but I used 20K Ohm resistors and it works fine. They just have to be in that range and all of the same value. Peter also sells the boards either pre-built or pcb + parts if you want to buy one that's nicer than the one I hastily cobbled together.